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In addition to her work as a performer, Rebbekah is a YoungArts award-winning writer. She is the author of the short film The QuestionShe is also a poet, performing with Ars Poetica. Her poems have been featured in The Quaranzine Zine and Sixfold.


As a playwright, Rebbekah was a 2023 inaugural fellow for the Summer Jam Fellowship with the Dramatist's Guild of America. She is a member of the Latinx Playwright's Circle, and the Untitled Writers Group for musical theatre writers. Rebbekah is a resident playwright with Playground-NY, which has produced three of her short plays to date. Her full-length play, Smalls & Talls: A Duet for Two Women, is a 2024 Semifinalist for the Eugene O’Neill National Playwrights Conference. Contact her to collaborate!


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